Feedback or concerns

If you’ve had a great experience with SJS and you’d like to give us feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch directly, or leave us a Google review here.

If you have a concern or complaint to raise with SJS, you can get in touch using the guidelines below. We take all concerns raised seriously, and your input will inform improvements to our service to you.

Get in touch

To give us feedback or raise a concern, you can give us a call, send us an email or post a letter to us using the details below. Just remember to include your name, contact number and email so we can stay in touch and let you know of any outcomes that result from your feedback or concern.

Call us: 0800 757 562
Write to us: Student Job Search, PO Box 25 010, Wellington 6146
Email us:

What you can expect

Once your feedback has been received, we’ll be in touch within two working days to let you know we’ve received it.

From here, a dedicated staff member will be assigned to your complaint to investigate it. If they need any additional information, they may get in touch with you.

We aim to find a solution to your concern within 10 working days, and we will let you know of any outcomes that arise after this time. Please note that during busy periods there may be a delay, but we will be sure to let you know ahead of time.

If you aren’t happy with the outcome of our investigation, just let us know and we will advise what you can do next.

Guidelines for submitting a concern or complaint

So that we can find a solution to your concern or complaint, please:

  • Clearly outline the circumstances that lead to your complaint, and the outcome you are seeking;

  • Provide us with as much information as possible;

  • Be honest and respectful.

Employment concerns between students and employers

Please note that SJS is not in a position to give employment or legal advice regarding any disputes between students and employers. However, we can direct you to the relevant agencies and resources that may be of assistance.